MAKE ME NORMAL, explores the rise in diagnosis of mental disorders and the boom of psychiatric prescription drugs, all set against the release of the new controversial psychiatric guidelines of the DSM (nick-named the “Psychiatry Bible”). With 1 in 3 Americans diagnosed with a mental disorder and 20% (and rising) on prescription drugs, the film asks, what happened to normal? Or, even, what is normal?

What does it mean to live as part of the web of life, but to behave as if we don’t?

The question about what it means to live life as though we are not connected to all is urgently important at this point in our history on this planet. Because if we don't collectively come to understand that everything matters, we will sadly be headed for doom. It's wonderful to see this line of thinking enter into the realm of what mental health professionals are thinking about. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

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