As holistic beings medical & psychological/spiritual issues are almost always intertwined

Sadly people want to slice the human experience up...all the time...even the most enlightened among us... People want to make out that SOME people really are sick beyond just doesn't hold up...what is apparent is that far too many people don't know how to help those who get labeled with psychiatric illness. Not that they are actually hopeless. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

magic is ordinary

There is a relationship between the eye contacts we make and the perceptions that we create in our heads, a relationship between the sound of another's voice and the emotions that we feel in our hearts, a relationship between our movements in space all around us and the magnetic pulls we can create between others and ourselves. All of these things (and more) make up the magic of every ordinary day... … [click on title for the rest of the post]

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