Surviving antidepressants (and psychiatric drugs in general)

Those of us who've spent hundreds of hours with thousands of people coming off drugs still have the most reliable information available for the time being. This is an instance in which "peers" simply have more information than anyone else. Not only have we lived it but we've watched many others do the same. Alto Strata has been doing this for many years and has amassed a knowledge base that is truly impressive. … [click on the title to read and view more]

The isolation of illness comes to an end – IT GETS BETTER

I know a lot of folks who are still in earlier phases of withdrawing from psych drugs are still feeling desperately alone and sicker than they ever imagined possible. It does pass. A lot of us have made it through that hellish darkness. Things really do get better. We come to thrive again. -- My mother is visiting next week. I've not seen her in 6 years. I was too ill to have visitors who couldn't abide the extreme nature of what I was dealing with when I was struck with the drug iatrogenesis (medical injury). That included almost everyone.… … [click on the title to read and view more]

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