No Pen? Drug Makers Cut Out Goodies for Doctors

From the New York Times: To Lehman Brothers, Linens ’n Things and the blank VHS tape, add another American institution that expired in 2008: drug company trinkets. Starting Jan. 1, the pharmaceutical industry has agreed to a voluntary moratorium on the kind of branded goodies — Viagra pens, Zoloft soap dispensers, Lipitor mugs — that... Continue Reading →

David Lukoff—another spiritual emergence story

A video that is worth watching on psychosis and mental health again. It's an interview with a psychologist by the name of David Lukoff who had a spiritual emergency as a young man. Yes, a full-on psychotic episode that he came through without meds and now helps others like him. Here is the video which... Continue Reading →

More on madness and spirituality

A bunch of links to book excerpts by Maureen B. Roberts. PhD. She is a Jungian therapist who values the spiritual dimensions of what is so often labeled mental illness. She also supports nutritional and dietary support for care of our delicate systems. Schizophrenia: Your Questions Answered Soul in Crisis: A Vision for New Directions... Continue Reading →

Tilting at Windmills story of drug withdrawal and recovery

TAW wrote a recovery story for this blog once. Here it is. She wrote that before she started her own blog Tilting at Windmills. The last few days she has reiterated her success story on her blog in two new compelling posts. The first: How I got off psychiatric medications and the second Bipolar "Off-Meds"... Continue Reading →

Another day in the life

I am marginally better from my low which really peaked on Christmas day. (can a low peak? ha!) The day after I wrote the piece I link to (the 25th) I continued to barely function. After administering an emergency .25 mg of Klonopin and finding that it basically made me OD, (I was drugged into... Continue Reading →

“On the media” on the DSM

An 18 minute audio piece that was played on NPR stations. One important issue that was raised was the idea of diagnosis spreading wider and wider into the population once a diagnosis is made. We've seen that happen with bipolar disorder which now has expanded to anyone with even mild mood swings. The "bipolar spectrum"... Continue Reading →

More BS on the DSM

DSM psychiatry manual's secrecy criticized The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is being revised under a cloak of confidentiality. Critics say the process needs to be open, and cite potential conflicts of interest. By Ron Grossman LA Times Whether revisions to the bible of mental illness should be carried out in secret might... Continue Reading →

New surgeon general should back alternative medicine

Opinion piece in the Buffalo News. (From 11/29/08) Obama take heed. Over-drugging is happening in every specialty. Yesterday I spoke with my aunt who told me a friend of hers is on statins with his natural cholesterol being 130! The doc calls this preventative medicine. This is out and out malpractice. It is possible to... Continue Reading →

Another great document put out by MIND

The anti-dote to NAMI in the UK. Making sense of coming off psychiatric drugs. It's another good resource. Not the be all end all on withdrawal. And thanks Sloopy for the heads up. I need to spend hours on their website some day.

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