The imaginary line between “spiritual emergence” and “psychosis” (ecstatic dance, too)

That’s right the line between psychosis and spiritual emergence does not exist. There is no line, there is only spectrum of manifestation and none of it is better or worse. It simply is what is arising in that individual at the moment they are met and unfortunately diagnosed.  It can change any time too. These mental/spiritual states are not stagnant and often times they’re even responses to the ineptness of the so-called professional experts we find ourselves with. …

“How did this happen? You’re the most resourced person I know. “

“How did this happen? You’re the most resourced person I know. ” That was one of my friend’s response when they heard about what happened to me in December when I ended up in the ICU with the precipitous sodium drop (hyponatremia) that almost killed me.  It happened after I took a pharmaceutical for 3 days — the first pharmaceutical I’ve taken since I came off a massive cocktail of psych drugs 8 years ago. The above quoted question and sentence keeps coming back to me since, I too, have had my own version of that inquiry within.

Healing plants: mineral rich herbs for nourishment etc

Healing plants: mineral rich herbs for nourishment etc — My primary relationships right now are with the plants that are healing me. It’s an all encompassing love affair.

Psych drugs and brain damage

It’s clear to me that many of us not only heal but transform into something healthier and more whole than we ever were before psych drugs. Forget recovery…there can be much more, much better than whatever we were before psychiatry. *** There is an unfortunate belief in some parts of critical psych communities that says that the brain injury that many of us sustain as a result of psychiatric drug use and withdrawal is permanent and irreversible. That we cannot heal from it. … It’s not true.

Healing a brain injury can hurt very badly. Delusion and dissociation. Herbs, herbs, herbs.

Layers of delusion and dissociation have been directly correlated with bad bacteria and other issues with biofilm matrixes in the body. As I have cleansed (detoxed) I’ve healed long-standing autoimmune disease as well as brain injury imparted from psych drugs. “Mental health issues” associated with trauma also cleared up as the layers of dissociation disappeared with the biofilm matrixes. Word “disappeared” while true, belies the real work involved in letting go. This has both an emotional/spiritual process and a physical one. Both have been critically important processes in the healing process. We are truly one. There is no separation between the physical and the emotional. No separation between body and mind. And everything matters because everything is interconnected. …

Chronic illness and pharmaceutical injury…what is it?

This is my experience after what, at this point, amounts to thousands of hours of mindful presence with the chaos in my body. One learns when one focuses attention. One learns a whole lot. That is meditation. Focused attention. So, my experience of chronic illness: Chronic illness is the body saying no to the toxic… Continue Reading →

Coming home (by Paul Woodward and Monica)

I retired the site late last year and didn’t know what the future of my work would be. I had become progressively ill with digestive and auto-immune issues in spite of eating and living really clean and well. I continued to deal with severe iatrogenic injury from the cocktail of psych drugs I came off of many years ago now. Drugs really do cause harm and I was about to discover that all over again.

Body and brain are incredibly weird and fringe – astonishingly beautiful and horrifying too

As I heal my brain/body I lose the capacity to dissociate … it’s excruciatingly painful. Both physically and emotionally. …

Questions, answers and musings on the healing process…

I’m in a intense recovery process from a severe chronic illness with brain injury and auto-immune stuff. I practice a form of surrender to the body which means I’m in constant mindful attendance to it as I heal. The brain injury is marked with severe dysregulation which is slowly becoming regulated. I do that by responding deeply to the body and having no expectation about what it actually needs. It’s a deconditioning process among other things…a lot of what we hear in health circles have nothing to do with us in particular because we are endlessly variant. So learning to attune to what is resonant and needed for this body is the healing process for me. …

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