Mini-update: info that gave me a wee boost

For whatever it's worth, my doctor's prognosis is that I will achieve complete recovery within two years.

A kinder, gentler philosophy of success

Questions the assumptions underlying these two judgments. Is success always earned? Is failure?

Drug Withdrawal and Emotional Recovery

Part of the big lie of biopsychiatry, and of our pill culture in general, is that you can avoid the basics of self-care by taking a drug. It is so tempting to embrace the illusion that you can escape responsibility for altering your lifestyle, that you can avoid the ruthless discipline that is necessary to live a decent life in a society which is so alienated and distressed. You have to sacrifice the fantasy that someone, or some doctor, or some drug is going to mate anything all better for you. The truth is that life is, in many ways, an arduous journey. And coming off psychiatric drugs can be a particularly intense part of that journey.

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