How can joy and peace be found?

Recently I was teaching from a Buddhist text called The Way of the Bodhisattva, which offers guidance to those who wish to dedicate their lives to alleviating suffering and to bringing benefit to all sentient beings. This was composed in the eighth century in India by a Buddhist master named Shantideva. In it he has an interesting point to make about peace. He says something along the lines of “If these long-lived, ancient, aggressive patterns of mine that are the wellspring only of unceasing woe, that lead to my own suffering as well as the suffering of others, if these patterns still find their lodging safe within my heart, how can joy and peace in this world ever be found?” … [click on title to read the rest]

The Pig of Happiness

As you well know if you spend any time on Beyond Meds at all, it's important to address and embrace the full spectrum of human emotion including that which is dark and difficult. That said, there is no reason to deny or push away the happy! . … [click on title to read the rest]

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