News and the forgotten value of waiting

by PAUL WOODWARD People everywhere, but especially in America, have been conditioned to feel that there is no experience in life more intolerable than having to wait. To wait is to be tortured by a cavity that urgently demands filling. Waiting destabilizes the nervous system and seemingly the only way most people can prevent an imminent seizure or some other kind of systemic breakdown these days is by clutching the ubiquitous grounding device upon which everyone now depends: their smart phone — a grounding device that helps each user feel connected by disconnecting them from where they are.

Trilogy of the shadow child (parts)

This was written in three parts in consecutive order over time. I thought they should all appear together in one place as they represent a journey through time and psyche both.  ...

Mad Spiritual musings on diversity and inclusivity

Did your altered states have spiritual significance or might you be interested in considering how that lens might be applied? Please join us then! We want to create community and support for all of us who’ve experienced madness as having significant spiritual significance. Whether we’ve been psychiatrized or not and whether we’ve considered madness in terms of the psychiatric labeling or not. That would include anyone labeled with psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar, schizoaffective, or psychotic NOS. That would also include anyone who has had experience with altered states that have not been pathologized by psychiatry, by self or others.

Stranger *** (story from inside the psych ward)

By Steven Morgan - Tonight will be a Haldol night. The newly minted nurse will say, This is going to make you feel better, and I will duly reply, Ok, anything. She will tell me to lean forward over the table and pull up my gown. I will feel cold air crawl like fingers around my torso. She will tell me it’s going to feel like a prick, but only for a moment. I will feel the skin on my ass cinch around the needle. The tranquilizer will swim out the chute in a billowing yellow cloud. She will announce, Good job, jerking back. ....

When suicide ceases to be taboo there will be less suicide

We need places where people can openly talk about suicide so they can stare it in the face, hold it and feel it and come to their own conclusion. I've done that and am still not always able to be available for everyone in pain. (I also reserve the right to change my mind for myself). Everyone should have a safe place for this deep work and thus not make the choice prematurely in despair. ...

being gravely uncomfortable in the face of what is happening all over the planet is a sign of deep knowing, not illness

Our being gravely uncomfortable in the face of what is happening all over the planet is a sign of deep knowing, not illness...

Alan Watts – Tribute to Carl Jung

Alan and Carl: Two of my favorite contributors to our understanding of human consciousness.

Ecstatic dance break

Dance and movement has been one of my most important tools for healing. Dancing is living well. We can do it seated or even laying down if we have to. Just move to the music and feel it.

Psych drugs harm. Let’s get high profile MDs and celebrities – spreading the message

There are quite a few relatively mainstream doctors now talking about the harms of benzodiazepines and anti-depressants on social media. As usual other psychiatric drugs (neuroleptics, anti-convulsants, -- called anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers, etc) are given short shrift. This is about informed consent. If people don't know about the very serious potential risks involved in... Continue Reading →

Chris Cole: Bipolar like Kanye West

In the latest episode of Waking Up Bipolar, Chris Cole speaks to the recent news of Kanye West coming out as bipolar, especially amid so much political and cultural controversy. ...

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