The rat-race is dark and empty…

From The Atlantic is an interview with Morris Berman: How America's 'Culture of Hustling' Is Dark and Empty: Results-obsessed perspectives overlook meaning — and leave little room for creativity, pleasure, or accepting the importance of sadness. He says: Most Americans have a dull sense that their lives are fundamentally “off”—because for the most part, they... Continue Reading →

Meditation is an intimate act of getting to know oneself

Not only have I used the word "intimate" to describe the experience of meditation, I also have often underscored the difficulties that must be faced in honest and deep contemplation of any kind. This process over time, though perhaps not explicitly pleasant does become soothing in some sort of profoundly paradoxical and beautiful way. It is healing. …. [click on title for the rest of the post]

The underlying sense of uneasiness that we have now is actually a good thing

The underlying sense of uneasiness that we have now is actually a good thing: it is the expression of our sensitivity. Those who go through life without feeling ill at ease are unconscious. The uneasy feeling caused by our awareness holds tremendous potential for transformation. It is a treasure of energy that we can grasp with both hands and use to build something better. Indifference doesn’t lead anywhere …. [click on title for the rest of the post]

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