Raw, Open and Real: Moving From Traumatic Aloneness to Universal Oneness

This is a reblog. Click through to read the rest of this wonderful article also shared on wordpress.

Source: Raw, Open and Real: Moving From Traumatic Aloneness to Universal Oneness

From the article:

We don’t have many models for what it looks like to persevere on this healing journey and many stop prematurely. A crucial piece is the willingness to be present with our own pain. As humans it’s natural to want to avoid pain, but usually it’s the avoidance of pain that is more painful than the actual pain. That’s why support is so essential. The wound begins in relationship and the ultimate healing occurs in relationship as well. (read the rest: Raw, Open and Real: Moving From Traumatic Aloneness to Universal Oneness)


Yes, we need to feel our feelings. I’ve discovered that to be crucial too as many posts on Beyond Meds also speaks to.

More posts on feeling your feelings on Beyond Meds here:

These too may be helpful:

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