Ego anonymous: a practice

Ego anonymous: a practice -- I think of my "path" in many different ways. This is something I rewrote to work for me. The 12 step program didn't work out for me, but not because of the actual 12 steps which I found deeply inspiring. Unfortunately the people couldn't deal with what I was up against. Just like most of society. In the world of 12 steps as a young woman I was "the constituionally incapable." You know the people that even those in the 12 steps label as hopeless. Ha!

The Politics of Trauma

"I know this may sound strange but so often what we are reacting to is not being able to tolerate what is happening in our own sensations, emotions and experiences. We react to get rid of the feeling, to push away the sensations, because they are associated with something intolerable, painful and uneasy."

To everyone who is struggling with isolation:

To everyone who is not okay in isolation: it's not your fault. Your nervous system is in overdrive and you've not learned how to manage it. This is a radical experience that many are not ready for. Stay online and connect. It's better than nothing. We are communal beings meant to live with others. This... Continue Reading →

Healing is not linear

Healing is not linear. (we hear that all the time, for good reason). For me healing is like a spiral staircase with a good dose of yoyo all the way up

Trauma, detox (physical and mental) and other odds and ends

Trauma is not an aberration. It is normal. This needs to be appreciated. The human being uses trauma to evolve and grow and come into awareness. It's just part of the deal. We are a traumatizing species. ...

Their trauma is not an excuse to be a shitty person to you. Really?

Actually it kind of is. Certain kinds of trauma hack the nervous system in such a way that drama ensues even in light of awareness. Then it's just your job to steer clear with great compassion and love in your heart. People who treat others badly because of their own trauma do need to become aware and avoid situations where they act like assholes until they better understand and are able to not behave in that way. We can help them by making clear boundaries while minimizing our judgments. ...

Trauma patterning and raving loonies

"I’d much rather be with a raving loony who was directly confronting their bullshit than someone who spends all their energy repressing it. The cloaking thing always strikes a tinny note that would register as jarring and discordant to anyone able to “hear” it." -Jed McKenna .....

Being true to our experience and the trauma we are healing…

Knowing/allowing traumatized parts of the psyche to be expressed is important. What people have trouble with is finding a graceful way (and a safe place) to do that. It's a legitimate issue because there are few supportive environments to do the work needed. ...

All things: deep healing for trauma, body/mind and soul

As I continue to heal the wounding that brought me to my knees at this time last year, this poem arose to meet the anniversary of my near death. It is all a journey to heal the trauma held within the body that heals the mind and soul too. We are one holistic being and everything matters:

The eugenic history of psychiatry is in our bodies

Part of what those of us injured by psychiatry are dealing with is the cellular knowledge that this history is in our very nervous systems via psychiatric institution, it’s proponents and the drugs used to suppress our beautiful sensitive human natures. We are not insane — we are however subject to the bullshit that has been perpetrated against us. Yes the body keeps score. If and when we allow the consciousness of these crimes against humanity to arise out of our bodies we can become a force to be reckoned with. May we all become conscious of what is happening all over the planet and within us. ...

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