Golden nuggets from the beyond…

The entire world is conventional. One can wear different costumes and the manifestations of dysfunction then vary...a lot. We live in paradox. In any case it seems the only thing left to do is rejoin humanity and ignore all stories and simply wander among my brothers and sisters. *** I've always been intense. When I... Continue Reading →

Getting healthy means coming to balance (Lyme too)

update: I did test positive for lyme and several co-infections in 2020 I had multiple infections that responded to Lyme disease treatment. I never tested positive for Lyme and gave up on doctors after that. Healing (for me) didn't mean killing off all micro-organisms. It meant bringing balance by moving out excess of the ones... Continue Reading →

Life force wants our camaraderie…(some thoughts arising during quarantine)

Self-medicating?  everyone self medicates. A healing diet is a form of self-medication, so is listening to calming music, or going running and doing yoga.  And sure, so is downing a bottle of wine, smoking or doing any other substance for the purpose of easing ones emotional state. Self-medicating is totally normal.  Learning to do it skillfully is the intent of a harm reduction practice. We're creatures that survive by ingesting substances of all and herbs included. Only thing wrong is that we've not been allowed be ourselves and learn to listen to our bodies. ...

Beginners mind

*** My body is my meditation Mindfulness and complex trauma ✵✵✵ for a multitude of ideas about how to create a life filled with safe alternatives to psychiatric drugs visit the drop-down menus at the top of this page. Support Everything Matters: Beyond Meds. Make a donation with PayPal  

The hungry ghosts know. Listen.

Somatic mysticism, diet and returning to my ancestry.... I like using “somatic mysticism” to explain my experience because I feel everything deeply in my body. I can feel my cells doing their work quite often and I feel all manner of metabolic movement and I feel far more than I can even begin to really... Continue Reading →

Pandemic blues. Can’t wait to get back to “normal.” Really?

Back to normal? This is the world I know....thank god others are waking up to the destruction humanity has wrought. The air is clean, the animals are returning to places they've not been for decades. I've been in isolation for over a decade with no appropriate medical care. This is my third pandemic as well. The AIDS pandemic...I worked at the beginning when young men were dying like flies. And the pandemic of murder by psychiatric meds. Going on everyday and denied by most. This is my life in isolation. I haven't been pretending the world isn't falling apart. Maybe others will join us now...those of us who are paying attention. Let it be.

Mini meditations for your pleasure in contemplation…

I often think in brief statements and feel less and less inclined to go on and on about much in full-length articles. I still enjoy the full-length articles when they emerge, they just are not emerging as often. And so I offer the below. Nuggets of fun stuff to think about. ...

Mindfulness / Meditation, Complex Trauma: Rewards and Risks

What media hype and those selling mindfulness don’t tell you is that mindfulness is a process that can radically transform you, and it’s not always safe, nor is it easy or straightforward. We make it safer by being aware of the risks and learning to listen to our own bodies about when it is or isn’t okay for us. No one else actually knows.

Ecstatic dance today!

dancing madly this morning...the above is my garb -- essentially barefoot in my pajamas with headphones attached to my head with a headband ... I'm listening to the brilliant dj-ing of Robert Kochka Jr danced this first at an Asheville Movement Collective Wave more than a year ago-- find his waves on soundcloud... was gonna share the one I... Continue Reading →

Attend and Befriend – Healing the Fear Body

I just posted something like this the other day. Tara Brach is always so good it made sense to post yet another on the same theme. Remember fear and anxiety are simply clinical terms for manifestations of fear. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

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