Beyond Biological Reductionism Raymond Tallis: Madness Radio

Can people's behavior really be explained by neuroscience and our evolutionary needs as hunter-gatherers -- or is this just a popular fad? Does understanding the brain really solve the mysteries of being human? Neurologist Dr. Raymond Tallis, philosopher, Academy of Medical Sciences Fellow, and author of Why the Mind is Not a Computer and Aping Mankind: Neuromania,... Continue Reading →

Healer heal thyself (to the mental health professional)

I spent about 15 years in social service agencies in the United States as a social worker serving folks with a large spectrum of mental health issues. What I learned is that, as a generalization, most mental health professionals are not comfortable with their own unchartered psyches and therefore, project their fear onto the people they are charged to help. This unconscious habit is a large part of what leads to the incredibly unsuccessful mental health system in our country.

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