Looking for a saviour and random good fortune

Keener's story continues. One of the most wonderful tellings of a story that will be completed on this blog in the next couple of weeks. She started it on her blog a couple of years ago here. Another episode from Keener's experiences of withdrawal from effexor. This is a story worth following. I know some... Continue Reading →

Bullying = Trauma = more mental health problems

Will Hall recently did a show on bullying and it's ramifications with Dawn Menken on Madness Radio. The shows excerpt is here: What are the lasting impacts of taunting, teasing, and physical harassment between children? Why are kids who are different singled out and picked on? What can parents do if their children are victims... Continue Reading →

Something funny happens…

When I go out of the house now. I am almost completely bedbound while in the house and rarely leave my house now, though occasionally I can make short trips to the store or go for a ride in the car to look outside or whatever. I have regained the eyes of a child. The... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and... Continue Reading →

Teaching the mind to treat insomnia

Meditation and mindfulness again help us achieve relaxation and sleep. I've been sleeping even in the midst of a hard-core drug withdrawal with the help of meditation and amino acids. I don't know anyone in my stage of withdrawal besides myself who sleeps well. Granted I still feel like shit, but I do sleep and... Continue Reading →

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