New gourmet turkey meatloaf recipe

I added a post on the cooking blog I've neglected for a long time. No pictures this time because I didn't have the energy to set things up. But the reason I posted the recipe is because it turned out awesome and it's so darn easy. Go here to Yes We Cook for the recipe... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day

Often we hear the adage, “Follow your heart.” But having practiced and looked at all the things that have arisen in my heart, I’ve seen that while some things were fine and beautiful, many were not so noble. The heart is not only driven by love, kindness, and compassion; it is also driven by desire,... Continue Reading →

Portland Hearing Voices Network

Get's some  coverage in the local paper--The Portland Mercury. Here is a small snippet from a must read article: The Portland group's initial goals are simple: to provide a safe, comfortable place for people to talk about their experiences, be they negative or positive, diagnosis identified or not, or medicated or not. It also seeks... Continue Reading →

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