Coping strategies for the bodily pain of withdrawal

I've collected several things I do to cope with the pain I experience as a result of long-term psychotropic drug use and the subsequent withdrawal pain I find myself in. Many people suffer from these pains upon withdrawal from many different psychiatric drugs and psychiatric drug classes so I thought I'd share how I cope. In most instances the pain remits in time but that can take up to a few years so we do need to have coping strategies in while the time passes. This is by no means an exhaustive list.

A painful life that was transformed with meditation

There is a write up about Sharon Salzburg who just completed a new book in the LA Times this week. I’ve always liked her and have read two of her books. Her story is one that can make anyone with mental health issues pause and realize that what she did to sort out the trauma of her early life is accessible to all of us.

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