Who am I? Meditative self-enquiry

I was delighted to find that my husband had one of the early editions of this little manual. It's quite a delight to behold. I read it the first time in one sitting and it was a profound experience. It has the capacity to be profound again and again. It's free to download so I... Continue Reading →

Surviving antidepressants (and psychiatric drugs in general)

Those of us who've spent hundreds of hours with thousands of people coming off drugs still have the most reliable information available for the time being. This is an instance in which "peers" simply have more information than anyone else. Not only have we lived it but we've watched many others do the same. Alto Strata has been doing this for many years and has amassed a knowledge base that is truly impressive. … [click on the title to read and view more]

The isolation of illness comes to an end – IT GETS BETTER

I know a lot of folks who are still in earlier phases of withdrawing from psych drugs are still feeling desperately alone and sicker than they ever imagined possible. It does pass. A lot of us have made it through that hellish darkness. Things really do get better. We come to thrive again. -- My mother is visiting next week. I've not seen her in 6 years. I was too ill to have visitors who couldn't abide the extreme nature of what I was dealing with when I was struck with the drug iatrogenesis (medical injury). That included almost everyone.… … [click on the title to read and view more]

Dear God and atheism too…

On twitter today someone accused me of being a Bible thumper. I found that rather amusing. I had tweeted a quote from the Bible...something I do quite often actually. She'd not seen me do that before and was scandalized. I have been a student of religion, spirituality and mythology my whole life. I have a degree in Religious Studies from UC Berkeley. - I find these topics interesting because studied with the right sort of attention they all point to the nature of reality in my mind. All world religions do this in my opinion. They are metaphors, really. Ultimate reality cannot be articulated. One of my favorite words I learned in college is INEFFABLE. That which cannot be spoken. … [click on the title to read and view more]

Surrender to the process of being born

Sometimes our lives contract before they expand. We may be working hard on ourselves spiritually, doing good in the world, following our dreams, and wondering why we are still facing constrictions of all kinds—financial, emotional, physical. Perhaps we even feel as if we’ve lost our spirituality and are stuck in a dark room with no windows. We may be confused and discouraged by what appears to be a lack of progress. But sometimes this is the way things work. Like a caterpillar that confines itself to a tiny cocoon before it grows wings and flies, we are experiencing the darkness before the dawn. … [click on the title to read and view more]

Getting healthy

I find it ironic that practicing simple healthy habits is called “alternative” health and/or medicine. I’m not using “alternative” health modalities. I’m getting healthy without medication after conventional medical treatment with drugs profoundly wrecked my wellbeing. Our language obfuscates. It’s quite Orwellian, in fact. Getting healthy in my mind means returning to or rediscovering what being... Continue Reading →

The future of mental health care is now

Dina Tyler is making it happen in the system right now. This is what a peer specialist looks like. We are the ones who can make the system transform. We know, better than anyone, how to help one another and, more importantly, how to help ourselves.--Dina Tyler is working in the system. Anyone who thinks change cannot happen from within hasn't met people like Dina. I'm for change happening wherever the movers and the shakers dare to go. Inside and outside...there are no rules for us! The only rule is to deeply and profoundly become ourselves. -- She also makes it clear that in her life that resistance and non-compliance is what allowed for her recovery.… [click on title for the rest of the post]

Robert Whitaker’s new book: Psychiatry Under the Influence

Psychiatry Under the Influence investigates how the influence of pharmaceutical money and guild interests has corrupted the behavior of the American Psychiatric Association and academic psychiatry during the past 35 years. … [click on the title to read and view more]

Letting go, acceptance, surrender

Yes, I've personally found that trying to change myself actually gets in the way of healing. I am okay with acknowledging I am not in control. Sometimes life hands you a crisis where the only way out is coming to accept that reality. For me, what happened to me on psychiatric drugs was one of those situations. In that realization too, there is grace. ... [click on the title to read and view more]

Meditate…even while on a train

An old post updated with a collection on meditation in general. GO HERE to READ POST ON MEDITATION -- it serves as an intro to mindfulness and meditation as well as a contemplation on how to most easily incorporate practice into one's life. See yesterday's new post too: Healing, awakening: freedom from pharma  -- the results of my... Continue Reading →

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