Poetry on video: “body memory”

By Rick Belden Today’s poem came to me quite spontaneously one afternoon many years ago as I was lying on the bed having a little rest. In another previous post entitled “Poetry, dreams, and the body”, I wrote about the changing nature of my relationship with my body at that time in my life that opened the way for this poem to express itself to me: Somehow, and I honestly can’t say how this came about, I found that my body was, like my dreams, another rich source of imagery and information that expressed itself well in poetic language. I believe this discovery was largely stimulated by the emotional processing work I was doing at the time, in which I was taught to tune into my body as a way to locate and unlock the psychological and emotional energy I’d been forced to repress as a child. As time went on, I gradually began to see my body as a partner rather than as an adversary. I also found that my body had something to say. I only had to give it the time and the space to speak.

Happy Martin Luther King Day to all of us creatively maladjusted, nonconforming folk

“This hour in history needs a dedicated circle of transformed nonconformists. Our planet teeters on the brink of annihilation; dangerous passions of pride, hatred, and selfishness are enthroned in our lives; and men do reverence before false gods of nationalism and materialism. The saving of our world from pending doom will come, not through the complacent adjustment of the conforming majority, but through the creative maladjustment of a nonconforming minority....and more...

The body is involved in psychological healing

"All my life God has spoken to me through illness. My pattern is to go along and have a marvelous time until all of a sudden I’m pulled down by some malady. That’s where the real psychological gravity is for me. Throughout my career I’ve seen people have similar experiences: not paying attention to their bodies and getting sick and sometimes even dying prematurely, or, at the very least, not living their lives as fully as they want. I’ve found that talk therapy is not the best way to help these people. In many instances, it is of little help at all. I decided early on that the body must somehow be involved in one’s psychological healing, because the body can hold on to memories and images that are otherwise inaccessible. You can’t get to them simply by talking about them..."

The final installment: letters to my shrink

I've been documenting correspondence with the prescribing psychiatrist that led to the acute and chronic withdrawal syndrome I now live with for a few years. I've written what is most likely a final email to him. I do not regret any of the correspondence and would do it again, but this is what it has come to for now.

We’re all healers, warriors, visionaries, teachers — but often these potentials remain latent

Archetypal energies beckon us to live a larger life. We are all healers, warriors, visionaries and teachers -- but often these potentials remain in latent form. Through song, dance, storytelling and meditation we can activate these archetypes.

Pedagogue Of Young Gods (Saturday mellow is intense today)

Are you afraid to have someone believe in you? Can you commit to your ideals? Even if you think nothing of it, are you willing to allow others to think the world of it, and of you?

It’s open season on people with psych labels…please take heed and help educate the dangerously ignorant

Just FYI: First New York, now New Jersey. It's open season on people with psych labels: Gov. Christie commits to 'fully implementing' mental health treatment law  (that should read INVOLUNTARY "TREATMENT" or forced treatment. Coercion. And the fact is there is no care in coercion...sorry!! It is not the answer here. This is about placating the... Continue Reading →

Are You At Risk For Diabetes and Obesity? If you’ve taken psych drugs the answer is YES #foodie friday

This is a foodie Friday post because what you eat matters.  Since lots of people who’ve taken atypical antipsychotics have developed diabetes or are on the way to developing diabetes, it’s important for anyone with any metabolic issues that have been caused by psych drugs to know the information shared in the below video and... Continue Reading →

Day of Action to Stop Mental Health Profiling

To protest the scapegoating of people labeled with mental illness by politicians, media, gun control advocates and the pro-gun lobby ● In particular to protest the "NY SAFE Act" pushed through NY's legislature and signed by Gov Cuomo, which expands state and federal criminal databases of people labeled as mentally ill, unconnected to any actual crime or act of violence, and expanded outpatient commitment (forced drugging in the community)

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