I Stand: a tribute to the victims #BlackLivesMatter

Update: So far this post is getting far fewer hits than average. The readers of this blog are mostly white. Let us look squarely into these painful issues and own our ignorance and privilege. Thank you.

Another manifestation of our trauma culture. Racism is systematic violence perpetrated against all non-white people. A lot of white people don’t acknowledge how deeply racist our society is today. This affects everyone’s wellbeing regardless of race. We cannot oppress others and not also be harmed by our own violence.

From the youtube channel:

I decided to write this song after countless unarmed black men were getting killed with absolutely no justice being served. I came to the conclusion that if I’m sitting around and doing nothing, and not making any noise I also am not doing these young men justice. Time and time again these killings are happening, because we have a broken system. This system allows for murderers to go free by trying to discredit witnesses, and making the public believe that it was justified because they claim the victim “resisted arrest” or by claiming it was “self defense.” Many people have been killed because of racism and discrimination in America, and it will not change unless we stand up and let them know this is not OK. The value of a person isn’t determined by their skin. I believe that change should start today!!! Please share this video if you Stand for Change in America and fixing a broken system, that has been broken for way too long.

**Disclaimer** In no way am I promoting the killing of cops. This song is about using your VOICE to produce change in our society and change in America.

Special shoutout to my mother and sister who helped me create this video with their ideas and creativity, Thank you for constantly pushing me to finish and release this song and video.

Written, sung and produced by Jasmine Nicole

h/t Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian

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