Friday reading…

Friday Links: Yelling At The Universe | The Tao of Chaos -- Sometimes it just feels like no matter how hard you try, you’re getting nowhere.  Doing the same things over and over again, getting the same results.  Even when you think you’re trying something new, it turns out to be something old. (website currently... Continue Reading →

Some of the senators in Florida are really fighting for the rights of kids in foster care

The senate in Florida are talking about the rampant drugging of children in foster care. This is a nation wide problem that is being focused on in Florida because of the suicide of a young child in foster care who was grossly overmedicated. These senators will hopefully influence the rest of the country in questioning... Continue Reading →

The story of drug money dominating psychiatry in the Lancet

The Lancet has a piece this month on the history of psychiatry written by Andrew Scull. I don't have a paid subscription so I learned about it here. From there I found that Mind Hacks did a little piece about it too that I somehow missed. In any case this is an excerpt that I... Continue Reading →

Do you compare yourself with others?

The conceit of self (mana in Pali) is said to be the last of the great obstacles to full awakening. Conceit is an ingenious creature, at times masquerading as humility, empathy, or virtue. Conceit manifests in the feelings of being better than, worse than, and equal to another. Within these three dimensions of conceit are... Continue Reading →

Thursday media madness…

More for your daily reading: Hypotheses, Scientific Evidence and On Being Compared to an AIDS Denier -- Robert Whitaker, Psychology Today -- In today’s Boston Globe (April 14), Dr. Dennis Rosen, a pediatric lung and sleep specialist at Children’s Hospital in Boston, reviews my new book, Anatomy of an Epidemic. He also posted this review... Continue Reading →

A New Approach To Mental Health

From WildMind and Talk Radio News Service this sort of thing is where real healing is at: In places like Sudan, in the heart of Africa, the local doctor does not have the option of prescribing psychiatric drugs to patients, as the cost would be prohibitive. Most people there have some type of post-traumatic stress... Continue Reading →


A facebook status update by Kimmy Sanger: Psychiatry? They listened when we describe how we felt, how we feel. They observe for days, weeks, years. They write articles, give lectures on what we tell them, about how it effected our lives then and even now. They wrote books, built hospitals, founded organizations. Everything we say... Continue Reading →

The Revival of the Market for Benzodiazepines — By Robert Whitaker,

This is a piece by Robert Whitaker that was written for the benzo community and published by a friend of mine in this newsletter on a benzo withdrawal support website. I received permission to reprint it here. One of the topics Whitaker's new book Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise... Continue Reading →

Alternative Ways to Manage Mental Illness — Audio interview with Will Hall

On Voice America Health and Wellness: Alternative Ways to Manage Mental Illness <<< listen there Will Hall was diagnosed with schizophrenia and spent a year in San Francisco's public mental health system. Will learned to live with his voices, visions, and difficult mental states without medications, and went on to become a leading mental health... Continue Reading →

Sleeping Pills (benzos and Z-drugs) shorten life-span and a list of other adverse reactions

This is about benzos (Valium, Klonopin, Ativan, Xanax, etc) and the Z-drugs (Ambien, Lunesta) that are related to benzos. Yeah, they’re all fraught with problems.

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