Ecstatic dance: trance and movement for healing and transformation

ecstaticI’ve gone to several 5 Rhythms Waves now. They are the most joyous and wonderful moments of my life right now as I continue to rehabilitate. When one surrenders to the energy of these waves one is swept away in the energy of the room, dancing from this trance state is a miracle every time as your body leads the way doing things you didn’t even know it could do.

This is a joyous and ecstatic form of movement meditation…one of these waves stays with me all week…as if I received an information download of sorts during the dance that is then processed later…healing at every turn…

Moving in many different ways has become and will remain a foundational aspect of becoming well for me. I do yoga, I walk, I dance, I garden, I do qi gong and I am mindfully present with the movements of my body when I do just about everything. Even when I do the dishes, laundry or any other household chores. Becoming conscious of our incredibly lovely animal bodies can be a deep and profound joy.

I can feel both dance and music changing and healing my brain’s neurons. Seriously. We can change our brains and I’m doing it. Neuroplasticity.

I bought Endless Wave, by Gabriel Roth quite a while back and it’s a wonderfully powerful intro to this sort of moving meditation. Ecstasy is not overstating the wonder of listening to and moving your body in this attentive and meditative trance-like state.

Endless Wave has voice over…like a guided meditation through the dance movements! Then, later, you can just do your own thing in general, really to any music that calls you.

At the dance waves I go to the members put together phenomenally powerful collections of music…different every single time. Check your local area and see if there is a group that meets there.

To learn a little about Gabriel Roth visit these posts on Beyond Meds:

More posts on music, sound and dance healing:

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