Can Our Medical Model of Care Be Remade? — By Robert Whitaker

By Robert Whitaker author of Anatomy of an Epidemic and Mad in America (posted with the author's permission) Yesterday, I have to confess, I experienced one of the more satisfying days of my journalistic career1. Every journalist hopes that his or her writing will have an impact, and a few months ago, in response to Anatomy of... Continue Reading →

Irresponsible therapy as sorcery

Sorcery - the Seven Arts (Salvador Dali, 1957) You may find it remarkable that I am classifying therapists with sorcerers.  There is a fine line between the Healer who heals and the one who, due to ignorance, may cause harm.  In working with patients, I have found that archaic language and images are the best... Continue Reading →

Comparisons are odious

The conceit of self (mana in Pali) is said to be the last of the great obstacles to full awakening. Conceit is an ingenious creature, at times masquerading as humility, empathy, or virtue. Conceit manifests in the feelings of being better than, worse than, and equal to another. Within these three dimensions of conceit are... Continue Reading →

Trellis: this is your brain on (psych) drugs

When you stop taking a psychiatric drug, it's like you are removing the trellis. If you yank it out all at once, ouch; the plant is damaged and it collapses and it takes a long time for it to heal itself, and it's not going to be able to function properly for a while. (Hence the problems with c/t.) If you want to keep that plant functional you have to snip that thing out bit by bit.


Again, this means that you can’t manipulate or talk someone into self-actualizing, you cannot plant the idea to do it in someone else’s head [inception], even if you have decided (out of love, paternalism, condescension, or compassion) that it would be “for their own good.”]


A visually beautiful full-length film. And while the title says it's got English subtitles, this film is in fact narrated in English.

Psychiatric drug withdrawal: the basics to get you started

This is an article that briefly explains how to start thinking about safely withdrawing from psychiatric drugs. It includes numerous resources for further study.

The trying times…

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. It is in the most trying times that our real character is shaped and revealed. - Helen Keller

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