Newsflash: primetime doesn’t understand mental illness and neither do you

Yes, it's true primetime doesn't understand schizophrenia...but neither do most of the people who think they do...and worst of all the so called mental "health" professionals don't either. I happened upon an article by Marvin Ross on Huffington Post about TV not portraying schizophrenia accurately. Well, that's nothing new. What is more horrifying to me... Continue Reading →

Introduction to the Shamanic Journey

A lovely demystification of the shamanic experience from Sounds True. Enjoy. The popularity of shamanism has increased dramatically over the last few decades, but there is still much confusion about just what shamanism is and how it might be relevant to those in the modern world. Sandra Ingerman has emerged as a teacher with a special gift... Continue Reading →

Trauma, Brain and Relationship: Helping Children Heal

Children and trauma...many traumatic events may not be obvious to all adults. Learn to protect your kids. "Developmental trauma, or ambient trauma, is trauma that is just everyday life. It's in the neighborhood, it's in the household..." "It's very easy for adults to dismiss the profound impact that a traumatic event can have on a child because very often, they will do most things pretty well."

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