Amaranth greens with hemp seed milk curry #foodie friday

Beautiful red and green amaranth greens
Beautiful red and green amaranth greens

I found some amaranth greens at my local asian market and made a lovely dish inspired by The Low Histamine Chef   – I made homemade hemp milk instead of using coconut milk (as in her recipe) and in addition to the red onion and garlic I added fresh grated ginger and turmeric roots (and some fresh black pepper to increase the bioavailability of the turmeric)…it was very yum!


  • red onion 
  • garlic
  • coconut oil
  • ginger
  • turmeric
  • hemp seeds
  • amaranth greens

What I did was cut up a red onion and some garlic and I sautéed them in a bit of coconut oil. Then I added a generous amount of both ginger and turmeric. Maybe about 3 tablespoons of the ginger (finely grated with a microplane grater) and 1 tbls of the turmeric. Play around with amounts of herbs and spices and see what you like. It’s hard to do amounts of any of these things really since it depends on how many greens you have to begin with.  This is how I cook in any case. I’m not a recipe gal. I cook to taste. I think it’s a wonderful way to cook, but I know not everyone is comfortable doing that and so usually I do more in the way of amounts etc when I share a recipe. This time I just really didn’t pay attention and I’m not sure how to explain the amount of greens I used.

So, after the saute is lightly browned I tossed in the freshly washed greens while they were still wet so that the moisture would cook them. I tossed them about with the saute until they were cooked down — just a few minutes.

I put 1/2 cup of hemp seeds and half a cup of water in a large jar and made it into milk using the immersion blender. If you don’t have an immersion blender a regular blender is fine. Then I tossed the hemp milk into the veggies. I left the pulp in the milk. If you want a smoother milk you can filter it out with a nut milk bag.

Oh, I also tossed in half a sweet potato cut up in small pieces. I put those into the saute at the beginning, with the onions and garlic.

Thanks to The Low Histamine Chef who is turning me onto many lovely low histamine and anti-histamine foods since I discovered that I have a histamine intolerance. I always have loved being adventurous with food, so even now as my restrictions increase due to allergies and sensitivities I am still adding new foods I’ve never eaten before! What fun.

Amaranth greens with hemp seed curry
Amaranth greens with hemp seed curry

This is what I made. Of note, many spices in curry powders are not good for people with histamine intolerance, but ginger and turmeric are both very good anti-inflammatory herbs that generally do not cause problems. All individuals are different however so if you’ve not used these herbs before it’s always worth noting how your body likes anything new to it.

Eating wholesome whole real food is important for body/mind/spirit health and well-being. I’ve written a lot about my adventure with diet and healing here:  Nutrition and gut health, Mental health and diet

And you can find more Foodie Friday posts and recipes here.

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