Biederman busted big time

New York Times today---an excerpt: Federal prosecutors have issued a subpoena seeking information about the work and statements of three prominent Harvard researchers who have been the focus of a Congressional investigation into conflicts of interest in medicine. The researchers — Drs. Joseph Biederman, Thomas Spencer and Timothy E. Wilens — are named in the... Continue Reading →

Beginner’s tips for meditation

I love the part about meditating on a noisy train. This is something I often do, that is, meditate in places people don't conceive of being appropriate spaces. Meditation is much more about being wherever you are fully in the moment then it is about being in a silent place with no distractions. While being... Continue Reading →

Florida’s prescription rate for antipsychotics to young children drops hugely

This is really exciting news over all from the St. Petersburg Times: Nudged by public pressure, Florida health officials took a baby step last year toward reining in the use of power­ful antipsychotic drugs among children: They began requiring that doctors get approval before giving these drugs to kids under 6 on the Medicaid program.... Continue Reading →

Ugh! The lets just add another drug for that pesky side-effect phenomena again!!

On Medical News Today the study they report on show using modafinil (Provigil) to help control that nasty weight-gain side effect. The other day I posted that it's been found that Provigil is ADDICTIVE just like the antipsychotics they want to add it onto. So once again we start adding on the drugs. And now... Continue Reading →

Why is the fact that we all trip over our dogs and cats such big news??

I'm on dozens of health feeds. I've gotten more articles about how we trip over our dogs and cats and end up in ER 86,000 times a year then I get for all sorts of REAL health news. I guess we should all get rid of our animals now. And while we're at it, perhaps... Continue Reading →

ADHD drugs—no long term efficacy but definite long-term risks

Again tired and I've been writing all morning in correspondence with a new friend so I'm posting this without comment. You guys leave the commentary. I actually have a lot of thoughts, so they may come out in comments if someone gets them going. Article on a recent study on drugs and ADHD in The... Continue Reading →

Antipsychotics now top revenue producers among pharmaceuticals

Philip at Furious Seasons reports: I can assure one and all that America didn't suddenly develop millions of more people with psychotic disorders. These drugs are being used for depression now and that's where I bet the sales boost came from. America is no longer "Prozac Nation." It's not "Atypical Nation." And that ain't good.(click... Continue Reading →

Revolutionary Road, A Beautiful Mind and Truthfulness

first appeared on Huffington Post today. Republished here with permission: By Bruce Levine The films Revolutionary Road and A Beautiful Mind both portray mathematicians turned mental patients who create havoc for their families. But the similarity ends there. In director Ron Howard's A Beautiful Mind (2001), the facts of the real-life recovery of Nobel prize winner John... Continue Reading →

You are not your brain

And I would say you are also not the disease your doctor tells you your brain has. This is an interview with Alva Noe from Salon. I've never heard of Alva Noe before and I read this piece fairly quickly, but it seems to have a lot of potential significance to the stuff I talk... Continue Reading →

Hypoglycemia and Diabetes type 2—big players in the psychiatrized

First of all I want to make it clear here, because the video doesn't. This discussion is primarily about diabetes type 2. Diabetes type 1 cannot be healed through lifestyle like type 2 can be. Many of us who have been on psych meds are hypoglycemic or have other blood sugar balancing issues and get... Continue Reading →

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