Two very kind honors in one day…

Both Rossa Forbes and Kris Ulland posted little notes of appreciation to me today. Please check out both of their very inspirational and insightful blogs. Holistic Recovery of Schizophrenia, Rossa Forbes Borderline Families, Kris Ulland Both are mothers of adult children who have been labeled with psychiatric diagnosis. Both mothers have come to realize that psychiatric... Continue Reading →

Will Hall Talk On Hearing Voices at Toronto Voices Conference – Audio

I just gave a talk in Toronto Canada as part of the “Do You Hear What I Hear? Alternative Perspectives on the Voice-Hearing Experience” conference. The gathering brought together 150 participants, a mix of people with psychiatric diagnoses, family members, professional service providers, and the general public to hear about a non-pathologizing and empowering way... Continue Reading →

Mini-twitter rant…

I do twitter as a low impact social sport since I can't really talk much these days, nor am I able to do much correspondence through email due to how my brain and body work while sick with the acute post benzo withdrawal syndrome. I've found that twitter satisfies my need to interact with human... Continue Reading →

Listening a lost art, avoiding Lyme disease and GlaxoSmithKline has paid out 1 billion dollars for Paxil alone: Thursday news and blogs

Lyme disease can have severe psychiatric symptoms that get diagnosed as mental illness. It should be always be ruled out in psychiatry but is rarely even considered a possibility. Need for protection against ticks that carry Lyme disease confirmed by new research -- Science Daily Research on the population of black-legged ticks, which can transmit... Continue Reading →

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